About Us

Isla Axford The Midgard Norn

Isla been a practicing heathen since 2010, during her spirit work she connects directing with the Norns, the weavers of fate. Working under their guidance Isla has learned the skills to alter one’s ‘fate’, how to align with it, and how to view a person’s thread of fate. Isla has mastered several healing and spiritual modalities, including tarot, oracle, runes, charms, channeling, sacred hands healing, sound and vibration, meditation, smoke and herbal cleansings, behavioral assessment and modification, human design, life force activation, spell work and ritual.

Isla provides and teaches many of these services and more to clients and students, both in person and online. To explore the best way to get you to your perfect fate contact Isla to discuss your goals.

“(Isla) seems to know what you need before you know yourself and has an amazing ability to tune into what will work best for you”

— K.C